Artist's Statement

For the longest time I just did art simply because I liked something or it just popped into my head randomly and that was alright with me. Either I would do that or I occasionally would just start making a mess and doing random things until something became of this uncontrolled mess and then I would finish the piece up with some controlled elements and ideas.

Recently though, I have been collaborating with a good friend of mine, Miss S. K. Brown, and taking a more fun, glitter, and flourescent direction in my artwork. This summer I plan on delving more deeply into these two different styles and making something great.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I absolutely hate lettuce! I can't stand the taste, smell, or texture of it at all. The only thing I like is the color of it. I have never liked lettuce before and I don't think I'll be changing my opinion of it anytime soon.

I define repulsion as something that causes an intense feeling of disgust or distaste.


  1. I don't care for lettuce either.. lol.
    The real reason I contacted you is because I have lots of cousins and relation in the Hays area. Do you know anyone named Schuckman? My father came from Liebethal, KS. Just wondering since I came across your general city location. I write a Christian based Journal in Wisconsin.
    Thanks. have a nice day.

    Tom Schuckman

  2. Nope, don't know anybody named Schuckman. I just come here for school even though my aunt and uncle do live here as well.

    Wisconsin is nice, lettuce is not.

  3. Lettuce is nasty until you put salad dressing on it. Brussel sprouts on the other hand are amazing!
