Artist's Statement

For the longest time I just did art simply because I liked something or it just popped into my head randomly and that was alright with me. Either I would do that or I occasionally would just start making a mess and doing random things until something became of this uncontrolled mess and then I would finish the piece up with some controlled elements and ideas.

Recently though, I have been collaborating with a good friend of mine, Miss S. K. Brown, and taking a more fun, glitter, and flourescent direction in my artwork. This summer I plan on delving more deeply into these two different styles and making something great.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Assignment Two

a. I define realistic art as art that can be easily recognized and deciphered for what it really is. It is also well rendered.

b. For Plato the term techne, expertise or craft, on applied to medicine, architecutre, and arithmetic because to him they were superior to the arts. Plato believed one should be freed from illusion and emotion and that art should only be a service to truth and good behavior. To Plato good art would represent a perfect society.

c. I don't think Plato would have liked Jeff Koons's work. Koons's is more real things, but they are not depicted in the ideal medium that Plato would have wanted. Koons's work is realistic, but it is rendered in a more unconvential way.

d. Aristotle was a friend to the arts, he believed that beautiful art was natural art that came from the natural world that one senses. He celebrated the artist who combined the best representations of natures most typical things.

e. Not necessarily, one person could find an artist's representation of their creativity to be disgusting and repulsive while another person could think that the art is beautiful and appreciate it more. Art is open to different interpretations from everybody.

f. Some people find sex to be a natural thing that is beautiful, but other people find it to be grotesque. Same could be said of violence, poverty, wealth, or sickness. But most people are probably more disgusted by violence, poverty, wealth, and sickness.

g. I chose Justin Gibbens because he combines or distorts animals and uses watercolor and graphite (still haven't really decided whether or not I'll use graphite/charcoal or ink).

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