Artist's Statement
For the longest time I just did art simply because I liked something or it just popped into my head randomly and that was alright with me. Either I would do that or I occasionally would just start making a mess and doing random things until something became of this uncontrolled mess and then I would finish the piece up with some controlled elements and ideas.
Recently though, I have been collaborating with a good friend of mine, Miss S. K. Brown, and taking a more fun, glitter, and flourescent direction in my artwork. This summer I plan on delving more deeply into these two different styles and making something great.
Postmodern Art
a) I define Postmodern Art as art that is aesthetically pleasing while still sending a message to the viewer allowing them to understand the art. Postmodern Art gives a voice to the underdog in society.
b) Feminist Art is Postmodern Art because it represents and gives a voice to women everywhere by showing their point of view. It delves into a woman's culture.
c) Sherman's art is Postmodern because she morphs herself into different characters in order to interact with the viewer on a different level so that they may connect with her characters on different levels.
d) I chose Betsy Regan because she uses different materials, mainly fabrics, which I have been using lately, and she draws a lot of sheep and goats as well.

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