Artist's Statement

For the longest time I just did art simply because I liked something or it just popped into my head randomly and that was alright with me. Either I would do that or I occasionally would just start making a mess and doing random things until something became of this uncontrolled mess and then I would finish the piece up with some controlled elements and ideas.

Recently though, I have been collaborating with a good friend of mine, Miss S. K. Brown, and taking a more fun, glitter, and flourescent direction in my artwork. This summer I plan on delving more deeply into these two different styles and making something great.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment One

b. I define honorific art as something made by a human that can be aethetically pleasing, but invoes emotion in the viewer.

Having a definite definition of art is nearly impossible since everybody sees thing differently, art is one person's opinion and basically art has it's own definition to almost everybody.

c. My definition for a definition for classificatory art is a definition that tells one what is not a work of art and what is a work of art based on what society thinks is "art," but society doesn't always consider just "good art" though.

d. I feel most uncomfortable Interpreting and judging art. I have a hard time making sense of some people's art and seeing what their meaning is in their artwork. Judging art is just one person's opinion and some people forget that some people like different things and they get offended when one does not like their art.

e. I had a bit of a tough time finding a more precise artist that just uses colored pencils, since that is all I'll be using on this piece. But I eventually found one that is more precise and layers colored pencils like I plan to, even though he's using a little more texture and expressiveness than I plan on.

1 comment:

  1. your definitions of honorific and classificatory are not correct. The other responses are very good and thoughtful.
