Artist's Statement
For the longest time I just did art simply because I liked something or it just popped into my head randomly and that was alright with me. Either I would do that or I occasionally would just start making a mess and doing random things until something became of this uncontrolled mess and then I would finish the piece up with some controlled elements and ideas.
Recently though, I have been collaborating with a good friend of mine, Miss S. K. Brown, and taking a more fun, glitter, and flourescent direction in my artwork. This summer I plan on delving more deeply into these two different styles and making something great.
a) I define Postmodern Art as art that is aesthetically pleasing while still sending a message to the viewer allowing them to understand the art. Postmodern Art gives a voice to the underdog in society.
b) Feminist Art is Postmodern Art because it represents and gives a voice to women everywhere by showing their point of view. It delves into a woman's culture.
c) Sherman's art is Postmodern because she morphs herself into different characters in order to interact with the viewer on a different level so that they may connect with her characters on different levels.
d) I chose Betsy Regan because she uses different materials, mainly fabrics, which I have been using lately, and she draws a lot of sheep and goats as well.

a) I define Formalism as works of art that focus purely on the design elements of the piece along with the abstract and compositional aspects of the work. Formalism doesn't concern itself much with concept and more on the work and how aesthetically pleasing it is.
b) I picked Piet Mondrian because most of his work is more non-objective than the other two and all of it is almost completely about design.
c) I chose Agnes Martin because her work is also all about the design. Her pieces have a good design and are concerned with being aesthetically pleasing and not about telling a story. They are all non-objective also.
d) I chose Barbara Cohen because her work on the ping pong balls is more non-objective. The random lines in charcoal and graphite on the balls reminds me of my random lines and she's using similar materials to me.

a)I define Expressionist art as art that is inspired by the artist's feelings and is intended to provoke the same feelings in the viewer. These feelings are used by the viewer to better understand the art because the art is meant to share and show an experience of inner life that could be common between people.
Cognitive art would be defined as a form of art that is meant to provide knowledge of the world. This knowledge might otherwise be forgotten if it wasn't depicted in a work of art in a powerful and unique way.
Expressionist art is meant more for expressing feelings and making the view feel the same way while cognitive art is meant to provide knowledge to the viewer.
b) I believe Tolstoy though that Expressionism was to be clear, sincere, and express morals in order to civilize the masses. The art should transmit the feeling from the artist to the viewer and the viewers are to harmonize with each other in order to treat each other better.
c) Collingham though the art is to be recreated in the mind of the viewer to function as art. The art is to be reconstructed in the viewer's mind in order to better understand the artist's emotion and in order for the viewer to collaborate with the artist.
d) Bourgeois used memories from her troubled childhood and her daddy issues to add expression to her artwork. The metaphors in her art is linked to the memories and are used to reveal aspects of her life.
Smith's work is concerned most with perception. The viewer's perception is usually altered after viewing Smith's artwork.
Both Bourgeois and Smith use common images in their art and in their perception
e) I picked Kim Cadmus Owens because she uses charcoal in an expressive way and also does a lot of buildings.
a. I define realistic art as art that can be easily recognized and deciphered for what it really is. It is also well rendered.
b. For Plato the term techne, expertise or craft, on applied to medicine, architecutre, and arithmetic because to him they were superior to the arts. Plato believed one should be freed from illusion and emotion and that art should only be a service to truth and good behavior. To Plato good art would represent a perfect society.
c. I don't think Plato would have liked Jeff Koons's work. Koons's is more real things, but they are not depicted in the ideal medium that Plato would have wanted. Koons's work is realistic, but it is rendered in a more unconvential way.
d. Aristotle was a friend to the arts, he believed that beautiful art was natural art that came from the natural world that one senses. He celebrated the artist who combined the best representations of natures most typical things.
e. Not necessarily, one person could find an artist's representation of their creativity to be disgusting and repulsive while another person could think that the art is beautiful and appreciate it more. Art is open to different interpretations from everybody.
f. Some people find sex to be a natural thing that is beautiful, but other people find it to be grotesque. Same could be said of violence, poverty, wealth, or sickness. But most people are probably more disgusted by violence, poverty, wealth, and sickness.
g. I chose Justin Gibbens because he combines or distorts animals and uses watercolor and graphite (still haven't really decided whether or not I'll use graphite/charcoal or ink).

b. I define honorific art as something made by a human that can be aethetically pleasing, but invoes emotion in the viewer.
Having a definite definition of art is nearly impossible since everybody sees thing differently, art is one person's opinion and basically art has it's own definition to almost everybody.
c. My definition for a definition for classificatory art is a definition that tells one what is not a work of art and what is a work of art based on what society thinks is "art," but society doesn't always consider just "good art" though.
d. I feel most uncomfortable Interpreting and judging art. I have a hard time making sense of some people's art and seeing what their meaning is in their artwork. Judging art is just one person's opinion and some people forget that some people like different things and they get offended when one does not like their art.
e. I had a bit of a tough time finding a more precise artist that just uses colored pencils, since that is all I'll be using on this piece. But I eventually found one that is more precise and layers colored pencils like I plan to, even though he's using a little more texture and expressiveness than I plan on.
Bad Art: I personally don't like logos and symbols so much. They're made my artists, like graphic designers and such, but they really don't invoke any emotion in me so they're really not that artsy.
Good Art:
I really enjoy Antoni Tàpies art. I like how he uses lots of different things to add different textures. Most of his work is more non objective, but I just thought this was was funny.
I absolutely hate lettuce! I can't stand the taste, smell, or texture of it at all. The only thing I like is the color of it. I have never liked lettuce before and I don't think I'll be changing my opinion of it anytime soon.
I define repulsion as something that causes an intense feeling of disgust or distaste.
Beauty: I really enjoy strawberries. They're an attractive fruit because they are colorful and they taste good, to me at least. The different textures and shades of red are interesting and beautiful.
I define beauty as something that pleases the aesthetic senses, such as shape, color, or form.